Top 5 Benefits of Body Waxing You Need to Know

Nothing beats the feeling of smooth, hairless skin. But achieving it with shaving takes time and effort.

Fortunately, waxing is a great alternative. Unlike hair removal creams or shaving gels, body waxing methodologies don’t contain additional fixings that can cause skin irritation or sensitivities. When done properly by a prepared and experienced proficient, the waxing Long Island, NY procedure can cause little or no redness.

It Removes Dead Skin Cells

Waxing removes the outer layer of dead skin cells that can clog pores, leading to a dull complexion. It also helps reduce ingrown hairs because the hair follicle can grow upward without getting stuck underneath the top layer of dead skin.

To help prevent ingrown hairs, exfoliate the areas you plan to wax a few times a week. Doing so speeds up the natural process of shedding these outer layers of dead skin, and it can also help the hair break through the top layer more easily when it’s time for your next wax appointment.

It Reduces Ingrown Hairs

Few things feel better than smooth skin, but shaving can leave you with rough and stubbly legs. With waxing, you can experience smooth skin for longer and never have to worry about ingrown hairs.

Ingrown hairs form when a strand reverts into the skin rather than growing out. This can cause redness, itching, irritation, and even pain in the most sensitive areas, such as the bikini and private parts.

To help prevent ingrown hairs, exfoliate the area regularly – especially 2-3 days before and after your waxing appointment. This will unclog pores and keep dead skin from building up, allowing hair to break through the surface more easily as it grows back. You can also try an ingrown hair serum such as our Ipanema Ingrown Hair Serum to reduce inflammation and promote healthy, snag-free hair growth.

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It Makes Your Skin Smoother

Hair removal products like shaving cream and gel often contain chemicals, irritants, and fragrances that can cause inflammation, redness, and rashes on sensitive skin. Fortunately, waxing does not involve these added ingredients, so it causes less discomfort and irritation.

Waxing is also much quicker than other hair removal methods so that you can return to your day with smooth, hairless skin in a fraction of the time. And, as a bonus, there is no need to constantly shower to remove sweat from body hairs, which helps you avoid odor build-up and keep your skin clean.

It would help to exfoliate a few days before your wax treatment for best results. This will help the wax adhere to the skin and remove dead skin cells, preventing ingrown hairs.

It Makes You Look More Prominent

Body waxing makes your muscles, veins, and tattoo ink stand out more, making you look more pronounced. This is why it’s a popular option for bodybuilders and athletes. It also helps swimmers perform better by reducing the little drag that body hair creates.

Men with waxed bodies do not experience body odor as much since their perspiration won’t stick to the hair and cling to it. This is a huge benefit, especially in tight social situations.

When done correctly by a trained professional, body waxing is significantly safer than shaving. Shaving can lead to cuts, nicks, and razor burns. It can also result in ingrown hairs and folliculitis. While shaving and waxing effectively remove unwanted hair, they should only be done when your skin is fully matured.

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It’s Safer

Body waxing removes hair from the root, so it is a safer procedure than shaving. Shaving can lead to cuts, bruises, razor burns, ingrown hairs, rashes, and itchy skin.

A freshly waxed body looks great and feels better to the touch as it has less grit than a shaved one. It also improves swimming performance by reducing water friction.

The best way to prepare for a waxing appointment is by exfoliating the area a few days before your treatment. This helps lift ingrown hairs, making the strands easier to remove from the root when waxed. 

Author: Mabel Austin