Complete these Projects Before Summer Ends

It may seem like summer will never end, but the truth is that cooler weather will be here before you know it. This means you should make time to complete some of those high priority projects around the home before fall sets in, such as these ones below. 


Your gutters play an important role in protecting your home and its structural integrity. By keeping them in good condition, your gutters will be able to direct water, dirt, and other debris away from your home so that your foundation stays intact. If your gutters are in disrepair, consider a gutter replacement St Louis to ensure you keep your home properly protected. 


You likely completed some landscaping work at the beginning of the season to prep your home for summer. However, as the weather changes and you prepare for colder weather, you’ll have to weatherize your plants and other landscaping to ensure they last the winter months. Start prepping to get your landscaping ready now so you don’t find yourself short on time at the end of the season. 

Sealant Repairs

If you haven’t had a chance to get around to sealing those cracks, gaps, and other areas around your home where your home is exposed to energy loss and unwanted pests, now is the time to get that project checked off your list. As the weather cools down, bugs and other unwanted critters will begin to look for shelter from the elements, and your home is a perfect space. Sealing off those areas of your home can deter them from an infestation. As an added bonus, you’ll also protect your home from energy loss, which can save you hundreds of dollars throughout the years on your heating and cooling bills. 

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If you can get these projects done while the weather is still cooperative, you’ll be in good shape for those cold, harsh months ahead.

Author: Mabel Austin